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Celebrate Plant a Seed Day with us by showing America how we’re changing lives through growing food! Why does your organization care about growing food? Maybe it’s to increase food accessibility, connect with nature, or take care of our planet. Whatever the reason, join us in inspiring communities to plant a seed AND register your nonprofit for a chance at winning a $25,000 or $5,000 grant! By sharing on social media now until Plant a Seed Day on May 7th, 2023, we can change lives together!

Activate Your Community

This year we’re giving away one $25k grant to the organization with the most pledges to plant and five $5,000 grants selected at random. By sharing this opportunity with your community, you not only increase your chances of winning a grant but you also get more people growing their own food! Inspire your community to pledge to plant this Plant a Seed Day.


  • We’re on a mission to (your reason for growing food). This #PlantASeedDay let’s plant seeds of change. Join us by pledging to to plant and nominate our organization for a chance to win $25k. #PlantToGrant #GrowingFoodChangesLives

    Pledge to plant 🌱 (custom pledge link)

  • (Your city), we need your help! Join us May 7th in planting seeds to grow better future. Each seed planted on #PlantASeedDay nominates us for funding that we’ll use to support more people to grow their own food! 🌱🥕

    Let’s grow together! Pledge to plant with us: (custom pledge link)

  • We’re excited to celebrate this #PlantASeedDay with @biggreen 🎉 Help us win a $25k grant by pledging to grow your own food and nominating us! #PlantToGrant

    Pledge to plant here: (custom pledge link)

Tips & Tricks

  • Keep your posts creative and aligned with your mission to capture your community’s attention, encourage them to nominate your organization, AND get out and plant seeds!

  • Tag @BigGreen and use our official hashtags: #PlantASeedDay #PASD #GrowingFoodChangesLives #PledgeToPlant

  • Remember to keep your network engaged, send reminders leading up to and on Plant a Seed Day, May 7th.

  • Share your organization’s custom pledge link in your social posts. (Don’t have a custom pledge link yet? Register your nonprofit for yours!)

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