A 9-12th grade garden-based social entrepreneurship curriculum.
Working in partnership with school and community, Real Food Lab students will develop a variety of skills through the lens of food. Through the curriculum, students will learn about the food system, how to start and operate a business, how to work collaboratively to solve authentic problems in their community related to food and food access and develop the confidence to take action to benefit their communities.
Real Food Lab consists of 15 x 50-minute lessons where students create their own food-based business concepts culminating in a final showcase of their businesses. The curriculum includes an optional capstone project focusing on social entrepreneurship and the food system guiding students to develop a business plan that can be put into action. To support the lessons, we have a teacher guide, a student workbook, a Google Slide deck for each lesson, and the content ready to be uploaded into Google Drive or your preferred LMS. Everything you need can be found linked on this page.

Real Food Lab Student Workbook
This workbook walks students through the process of creating their own food-focused business with the Real Food Lab curriculum.

Real Food Lab Teacher Guide
Use this teacher guide to help prepare your students to create and design their own food-focused business using the Real Food Lab Student Workbook.

Real Food Lab Case Studies
Here you can find business idea examples and case studies from students who have completed the Real Food Lab curriculum.

Real Food Lab Slide Deck Presentations
View and download Google Slide presentations for each Real Food Lab lesson.