Collard greens have large stalks and leaves, requiring ample space to grow. When planting collard greens, make one hole in the soil in the center of your grow bag, 1/4″ deep, and place 3-4 seeds in the hole to ensure germination. Once sprouted, thin seedlings to only 1 per grow bag.
Growing Conditions
3-4 Seeds
¼” deep55°F – 85°F
Cool/Warm/Hot6-8 Hours
Full Sun70 Days
to Harvest
Harvest full-size leaves when they reach 8-12″. Cut or break leaves at the base of the stem. Harvest up to half the leaves to encourage continuous plant growth. Baby leaves can be eaten raw. Larger leaves are typically cooked.
Garden Tips
As with many leafy greens, collards are a cut-and-come-again plant that provides multiple harvests. Once mature leaves are harvested, new ones will regrow, allowing for continuous production throughout the season.
Plants well with... Radishes
As soon as it is warm enough to plant collard greens outside, radishes can be planted alongside it. Due to the shorter harvest cycle of radishes, they will be harvested in enough time to allow the collard seeds space to fully develop. Follow this planting pattern.