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Million Gardens makes it easy to grow your own food at home.

Join a community of home gardeners across the country enjoying the benefits of home-grown produce; like saving money and expanding their diet with more fresh fruits and vegetables every week. Our partners — San Antonio District, AME Church, Healthy Neighborhoods, and Metropolitan Health — help make Million Gardens happen. They're as dedicated as we are to transforming how we live and eat.

Big Green provides materials toGet Growing

Your Garden Kit includes: a raised garden bed, soil, seeds, seedlings, a watering can, and educational materials.

Who Can Apply

You're a perfect fit for a home garden if you:

  • Own your home and have at least 3 family members

  • Reside in one of the following neighborhoods: Denver Heights, Pecan Valley, Delcrest, or Villa Coronado

  • Attend our in-person kickoff events

Grant Calendar

  • August 1, 2023 Application opens
  • August 28, 2023 Application closes