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Throw your own Planting Party

Join the nationwide celebration of growth and community by hosting your very own Plant a Seed Day event! Get ready to embrace the Anything but a Planter theme and get creative with unconventional containers!

Step 1: Choose a date and location

  • What better day than the first day of Spring to throw a planting party? If your event can’t take place on Plant a Seed Day, March 19th, throw your event on another Spring day, the perfect time to start planting.
  • Your event can take place anywhere – your organization’s community space, a local park, any space you can invite people to gather and plant a seed together!

Step 2: Gather supplies

  • This event can be a big or small as you wish. Whether its a small backyard party or a full community pop-up make sure you have enough soil and seeds to go around!
  • Remember, you can start a seed anywhere! Forget traditional pots – encourage your community to bring their most creative containers for planting. From old shoes to teacups, the possibilities are endless!

Step 3: Invite your community

  • Invite your friends, neighbors, and local vendors for a day of fun and gardening. Share tips, swap seeds, and connect with your community.

Tips & Tricks

  • Involve businesses in your community. Reach out to local vendors, artists, and small businesses to attend and source supplies from local businesses.
  • Let us know you’re throwing a Plant a Seed Day event and we’ll help you promote it on our socials. Tag @BigGreen and use our official hashtags: #PlantASeedDay #PASD #GrowingFoodChangesLives #PledgeToPlant
  • Photos, photos, photos! Show your community what and how you’re planting!
  • Remember to keep your network engaged, send reminders leading up to and on Plant a Seed Day and your event.