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When’s the best time to take a photo?

  1. Garden Material Delivery

    Have the camera ready on delivery day, we want to see your new garden materials arrive!

  2. Building Your Garden

    Adding soil and planting your first seeds with your students is exciting! Don’t forget to snap a picture of this big moment.

  3. You & Your New Garden

    Who’s growing in your garden? Grab your family and take a picture with your new garden beds!

  4. Caring for Your Garden

    Your garden requires daily maintenance, like watering. Capture the care you and others are putting in!

  5. Garden Growth

    With care your seeds will begin to sprout and grow! We want to see what’s thriving in your garden.

  6. Harvesting Your Plants

    We hope you have an abundant harvest with a variety of produce! Capture the picking process.

  7. Garden to Table

    You now get to enjoy the fresh produce you grew. How are you using your harvest?

Photo Examples

How to Share Photos

  • Tag @biggreen on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter using #MillionGardens & #BigGreen
  • Check your city’s landing page for more details on ways to share!