We’re excited to share some Big Green DAO updates:
Thank you, A-dae!
With gratitude and deep appreciation, we’d like to take a moment to recognize one of our cherished Committee members, A-dae Romero-Briones, of the Cochiti and Kiowa nations. This year, A-dae decided to step down from the Big Green DAO Committee to concentrate on other priorities. Adae’s contribution to the launch of the Big Green DAO has been significant. Her experience in grant-making and community building is expansive, her willingness to learn with us, paired with the guidance she provided, was more than we can articulate. Her indigenous cultural lens and willingness to hold us to important guiding principles and priorities allowed us to create something truly unique in the world. We will miss her tremendously, and with her departure, we are eager to welcome someone new to the role of Committee Member.
DAO Committee Election
Because YOU, the token-holders, control the future of the DAO, you have the opportunity to shape the path to electing a new committee member. This governing role is significant in its ability and responsibility to steward the goals and values of the Big Green DAO. The five remaining members of the committee, led by Lacy McDonald, have proposed a frame for the upcoming election and we need you to review the proposal and cast your vote. We’ve launched a new user-friendly voting and governance platform to make the voting process even more straightforward. It’s still in beta-testing mode and we’d love to get your feedback in Discord!
You can review and vote on the election proposal here and the new DAO Community Portal at dao.biggreen.org.
We invite you to test the portal by connecting your wallet and voting on the election proposal via the portal! If you need any assistance, please open a support ticket in Discord and we’ll be there to help you out. Or if you prefer, you can always vote the old-fashioned way, directly in Snapshot.
Here are some videos walking you through each step of the process of connecting your wallet and voting on a proposal! If you need any assistance, please use the #support channel in Discord.

Connecting Your Wallet
Step-by-step instructions to login and connect your wallet to the Big Green DAO Community Portal

Creating and Voting on Proposals
Step-by-step instructions to participate in DAO Governance by engaging with proposals in the Big Green DAO Community Portal
Grants Round 6 is Here
And finally, we’re pleased to announce the opening of Grants Round 6! Grantseekers can access the application portal at 5pm MT on 5/15/2023. Past DAO Grantees from Grants Rounds 2 and 3 are eligible for renewed funding during this round. We hope to see some familiar names in the application! Stay tuned for town halls and opportunities to meet the grantseekers, and as always, we encourage you to share the application far and wide within your networks. You can find the application here.